CAR and M16A2 Handguards are New Again…Thanks to Echo Nine Three

If you’re into retro AR’s. you know that one of the tough things to find is good CAR and A2 handguard sets. There are options out there, but quality varies and most of the new ones have a matte finish rather than the shiny finish of the originals. Your options were trying to track down an original set in good condition or paying a decent bit more for some of the better repro handguards.

Well, thanks to a place called Echo Nine Three, it looks like you can get the old style handguards with the old style shiny finish. And these look correct because they are correct. They’re being made by one of the original OEM manufacturers so you’re getting the right look and quality of an original because these are being made by the same folks who did the originals.

The A2 handguards are factory replacement models for the M16A2, early M16A4’s, a Colt 711, or a Paul Harrell tribute build.

From E39:

From the original OEM manufacturer, includes heat shield and features a shiny outer surface. Fits rifle length gas systems, with a triangle front cap and slip ring at the rear.

The price is only $42.50 too, which is very reasonable if you’ve tried to track down old original sets.


The CAR handguard sets are the correct 6-hole style used on a whole slew of military carbines and subguns like the XM177 series, GAU-5 series, Colt Commando’s and early XM-4’s. They’re also great for your Colt 733 “Heat” clone builds. Like the A2 handguards, they’re built by the OEM manufacturer and have aluminum heat shield and the shiny finish. They’re made for carbine-length gas systems with a round end cap up front. Price on these is also just $42.50.

It looks like Echo Nine Three started a whole section of Retro AR parts. They carry some of the excellent B5 Systems components as well, ACE aluminum CAR stocks, and some other retro items as well. I can’t vouch for the new handguards yet, but they look good and I plan on getting some to check out. You’ll probably see them on one of my future builds in the future, so I’ll let you know what I think.

For these or other parts and accessories, check out Echo Nine Three for more info.


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1 thought on “CAR and M16A2 Handguards are New Again…Thanks to Echo Nine Three”

  1. No thanks. After using these while in the US Army. I prefer the civilian style hand guards. I can mount things to them.