Firearms Policy Coalition Responds to Maine Governor on Treating Profanity as a Threat

Firearms Policy Coalition President Brandon Combs has let Maine Governor Janet Mills know exactly what he thinks of her staff referring their tweet to the state’s security services as a threat. (If you’re not familiar with what happened, read this post.)

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9 thoughts on “Firearms Policy Coalition Responds to Maine Governor on Treating Profanity as a Threat”

  1. It seems that being nice in speech and written word has been for the most part a waste of time.
    These people don’t respect POTG no matter how nice they are or have been over time.

  2. SAFEupstateFML

    Tell me they browse 4chan without telling me. Reminds me I will need to check out what they have going on in NY at the moment.

    1. SAFEupstateFML

      Seemed a bit high class a response to those not willing to clean up their abuse of civil rights. If anything far more than they deserve.