Ingram: Stop Blaming Constitutional Carry for Alabama’s Urban Crime Problems

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State Rep. Reed Ingram (R-Pike Road) took aim at Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed and other Montgomery leadership, announcing plans to file legislation allowing the state to appoint a police chief if a municipality’s crime rate exceeds a certain level. …

Ingram said he has asked Gov. Kay Ivey to call a special legislative session specifically related to crime since leaders in some Alabama cities don’t seem overly concerned about the issue, referring to Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed.

“I don’t think that constitutional carry has had a bearing on crime,” Ingram said. “The problem with crime is that a lot of the leaders in some of these municipalities don’t take crime serious.”

“When you’ve got some of these municipalities in this state that are almost 40% down on law enforcement, and some of your mayors are traveling around, going around to Washington [D.C] and being on board of this and that, and they don’t stay or even show up to city council meetings, it’s hard for them to know what’s really going on and to take a priority for public safety.”

According to Ingram, the bill is currently being drafted and will apply to all municipalities. If a city surpasses a yet-to-be-determined level of crime, the state would appoint a police chief in that municipality. A city could also lose funding if they refuse to comply with the bill’s provisions.

“If you fall above a certain category of crime, per capita, then the state would do what you would do in a school: if you fall below a certain grade level or if you fall into a financial hardship, the state comes in and takes it over. Well, this bill will be to where we, the state, would take over the top position in that police department until we get crime under control. It would be up to ALEA and the attorney general to determine that level. It will be spelled out in. the bill, but a lot of things go into a formula: shootings, whether it be a homicide or whatever, so a lot of that will be at the discretion of the attorney general in this bill.”

— Craig Monger in ‘I Don’t Think That Constitutional Carry Has Had a Bearing on Crime’: State Rep. Ingram, Montgomery Mayor’s Office at Odds Over Alabama Gun Laws

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3 thoughts on “Ingram: Stop Blaming Constitutional Carry for Alabama’s Urban Crime Problems”

  1. Constitutional Carry has actually helped in a small way to reduce crime in Alabama. When used in self defense situations where the chance of recidivism by the criminal is reduced to zero.

  2. The State of Alabama is # 3 in the nation in violent crimes. The City of Montgomery, Alabama is not in the top 10 of cities in America in violent crime ( NOT RANKED HIGH Per Capita). Let that sit in. So, WE, the citizens of the Great State of Alabama need Ingram to ask the Federal Government to take over states, like Alabama, that are in the top 5, in violent crime in the nation. Reed Ingram, will you draft the letter (same bill to be given to one of our Congressional leaders)???…Please present the request to U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville and tell him: The State of Alabama is in the top 5 in violent crime on America. Our Alabama State Public Health Director, Dr. Harris, and Alabama Governor , Kay Ivey, has failed the people of Alabama. Violent crime is a Public Health issue. Our Governor & Public Health Director appears to not care. Can the Federal Government, Attorney General and the U.S.Department of Defense come & police the entire State of Alabama, until it’s out of the top 5 in violent crimes in the nation???? What’s good for the goose is always good for the gander. Reed Ingram fought Montgomery,
    Alabama’s Occupational Tax
    ( a funding stream to pay police a very competitive salary). He didn’t have a problem with Auburn, Alabama having an Occupational Tax ( charging Macon County Alabama Blacks a commuter tax to work in Auburn, Alabama) . Reed Ingram voted for Alabama ‘s permit-less carry law. Very Oxymoronic. For example: You give the youth weapons, buy the bullets, prevent the cure (OccupationalTax)……then, non-chelantly hide your hands. Don’t throw rocks and hide your hands. This is my opinion. Stop mistreating Montgomery’s Mayor Steven Reed. He is NOT required to attend Montgomery City Council meetings : You know this fact. Reed brought in more than $1.7 Billion in Capital Investments for the State of Alabama in year 2022. Maybe he’s in D.C. presenting reasons why a new business opportunity or industry should locate in Montgomery, Alabama. Per Alabama’s Governor, Kay Ivey: “Montgomery, Alabama ‘s Mayor Steven Reed led the State, undeniably, in bringing new revenue (Capital Investments) to the State of Alabama in year 2022. No other Mayor has EVER done what he has done.” Mr. Ingram , the Governor wrote a state resolution, honoring Montgomery, Alabama ‘s Mayor Reed. Sir, instead of coming for him competitively, please mimic Alabama Governor Ivey, and do the same. Please, respectfully, HONOR , Montgomery’s Mayor Steven Reed for the great things that he has done for Montgomery and the State of Alabama. In Former Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange’s voice : “We owe Steven Reed a debt of gratitude for his hard work and dedication to the citizens of Montgomery County
    Alabama. “