Ex Marine Arrested For Planning Murder Spree in ‘Gun-Free’ Zones ‘In the White Community’

ATF arrest hand cuffs handcuffs
(Photo: ATF Training Academy)

The Marines kicked Joshua Cobb, 23, out of the Corps just days ago. Now the FBI has arrested him for a plot to commit a murder spree targeting white Americans.  Moreover, the US Attorney’s office claims Cobb planned to do it in “gun-free” venues where he knew he’d face little to no likelihood of facing a good guy with a gun.

The former Marine write that he wanted to create “mayhem” in the white community close to an “important holiday to their race.” It seems he was a particularly thoughtful lunatic. And while the mainstream media have reported the story, few have keyed in on Cobb’s intent to specifically target gun-free venues.

Here’s an example of Cobb’s writings, from the US Attorney’s press release:

I want to cause mayhem on the white community. The reason i specifically want to target white people is because as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles. Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don’t care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can. As of today I have officially began planning my attack. It is going to take place in 2023 in the state of New Jersey, I have not chosen a exact date but I am going to be sure it is close to an important holiday to their race. I have a location in mind already which I have frequented for the past year and I am certain nobody there is armed to be able to stop me from spraying them to the ground. I have already acquired 2 of the 4 firearms I plan to use for my attack, and I also know my entry and exit points already after the mayhem.

Obviously the prospect of confronting good guys with guns played heavily on this guy’s mind. Because cowards like Cobb never want a fair fight. Particularly with someone who can counter with a proven fight-stopper known as a gun.

From CBS Austin:

A New Jersey man, who was formerly a U.S. Marine, was arrested and charged Friday with threatening to kill White people for their perceived privilege.

Joshua Cobb told the FBI at a California base he wanted to shoot up a New Jersey gym, grocery store or wealthy White area, according to a press release. He allegedly cited a desire for the world to “feel” what he was feeling.

“Most people who are on the wealthier end spectrum, they don’t understand the spectrum, they’re not living, they don’t know what it’s like to be in a bad spot,” Cobb said, according to the FBI. “I’m sure they have their own version of a bad spot, but it ain’t nothing like someone from the other side’s bad spot. So my thing was to like bring the pain to them.”

There’s a lot more information available if you read the US Attorney’s entire press release and their criminal complaint.

A Mercer County, New Jersey, man was arrested Friday night for transmitting via the internet a post containing threats to kill white people, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced today.

Joshua Cobb, 23, of Trenton, New Jersey, was arrested and charged by complaint with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce. He is scheduled to appear this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Rukhsanah Singh in Trenton federal court.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

On Dec. 17, 2022, Cobb used a social media application to post a message, stating:

  • I want to cause mayhem on the white community. The reason i specifically want to target white people is because as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles. Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don’t care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can. As of today I have officially began planning my attack. It is going to take place in 2023 in the state of New Jersey, I have not chosen a exact date but I am going to be sure it is close to an important holiday to their race. I have a location in mind already which I have frequented for the past year and I am certain nobody there is armed to be able to stop me from spraying them to the ground. I have already acquired 2 of the 4 firearms I plan to use for my attack, and I also know my entry and exit points already after the mayhem.

Following this post, in April and May 2023, Cobb made several additional posts on another social media application, in which he discussed his hopes of progressing into a serial killer, stating:

  • Imagine the rush you’d feel while shooting some sh*t up. Probably could get literally high off the adrenaline alone. I’d probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down.
  • 100% someday. Just not yet thought. I want to continue training and buying more ammunition.
  • Tbh I hope I do progress into a serial killer because I f*cking hate life man… But one day everyone will suffer. I promise I will make everyone feel my f*ucking pain. My deep, sincere, raw, & sharp pain.
  • There is no way out for me. The only way out is bloodshed.
  • Just wait man. Remember [my username]. [I] will leave clues when im done.
  • I’m just leaving evidence for whoever investigates my case.

Cobb joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 2023 and began basic training in June 2023. Cobb was stationed in California until his recent discharge.

In statements to law enforcement, Cobb admitted to writing the above-described posts and provided detailed information on locations he had considered as possible targets for his attack, including a Jersey Strong gym and an Aldi grocery store in Robbinsville, New Jersey. Cobb also discussed his access to guns and idolized other mass shooters.

A lawful search of Cobb’s cell phone revealed additional notes from April and May 2023 expressing Cobb’s homicidal ideations, stating:

  • It’s all a f*cking game and you all are going to die. I currently lack the means necessary to kill as many as I intend to but one day I will have the available resources (finance) to purchase the appropriate weaponry for my killing(s).
  • All my life I have been doubyed… Ive been taken as the joke… ive been f*cked around with… well now its my turn. I am going to kill one of you mother*ckers I f*cking hate humanity. All of you f*cking duck and I don’t give a single f*ck about any of you though I may appear I do.
  • Im ready to grt to the good part of my story where I start taking you mother f*ckers out and killing you all… My rampage will soon happen… I plan to now continue accumulating the necessary equipment needed to execute. Once all equipment is in, time will then tell. You will all die.
  • I hate all of this sh*t and I feel like my only way out of the pain and suffering is by exploding. So I await… I await that moment so I can make those moments final. For whomever… myself or a victim.

Cobb’s phone also contained notes on how to bring guns into New Jersey.

The charge of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce is punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

U.S. Attorney Sellinger credited special agents and task force officers of the FBI Newark Joint Terrorism Task Force, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge James E. Dennehy, with the investigation leading to the arrest. He also thanked the Naval Criminal Investigative Service; the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California, under the direction of U.S. Attorney E. Martin Estrada, agents of the FBI Field Office in Los Angeles, California, under the direction of Acting Assistant Director in Charge Mehtab Syed; the Hamilton Police Division, under the direction of Chief Kenneth R. DeBoskey; the Robbinsville Police Department, under the direction of Chief Michael K. Polaski; and the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office, under the direction of Prosecutor Angelo J. Onofri.

The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Vera Varshavsky of the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s National Security Unit, with assistance from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division.

The charges and allegations contained in the complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Cobb wasn’t the smartest Crayon-eater in the lot. In fact, he might have actually eaten Crayons. While in his writings he suggested that he understood gun control laws, he’s apparently been reading too many Gun Control Industry pamphlets because he could order firearms online and have them shipped to a rented P.O. box in nearby Pennsylvania.

Because, obviously, online firearms sellers will send guns to Pennsylvania that are illegal to sell in New Jersey. Or something. Go have another Crayon, Joshua.

Cobb’s story should be reason number gazillion why good Americans should practice their ABCs on a daily basis: Always Be Carrying.

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17 thoughts on “Ex Marine Arrested For Planning Murder Spree in ‘Gun-Free’ Zones ‘In the White Community’”

  1. Cracker Jackson

    What’s an important white people holiday? Saint Crackers day? We all eat deviled eggs and drink milk while foppishly dancing to harpsichord music?

    1. The day white people celebrate the founding of this awful, racist country? That’s why they created black independence day. That’s why they have the black national anthem. It has to be a coalition of minorities and radical white activists vs the rest of the country (it was the same sentiment when the 1970 gae manifesto was written – read that Marxist trash to understand how they think). They have to separate out every group that doesn’t tend to support the Left’s political opponents, and make them hate the demographics that does tend to support their political opponents. They can’t have the country uniting against the elitists. That would be the end of them.

  2. SAFEupstateFML

    Thankfully the resentful wishing violence on others are usually too dim to succeed which unfortunately is often the source of their resentment. With that said also glad they focus on guns and various blades as those are far more limited in capability and ease of destruction compared to more mundane options.

  3. 300BlackOutFan

    I guess he didn’t learn OPSEC in the Marines.
    Wonder what his favorite flavor of crayon is (apologies to Honorable Marines!)

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “I guess he didn’t learn OPSEC in the Marines.”

      He clearly *wanted* to get caught by publishing it wherever he published it, thank God for that miracle.

      I’m struggling trying to figure out what my important white holiday is, can anyone help, here?

      St. Cracker’s Day, maybe? What do we supposedly do on that holiday?

      1. St. Cracker’s Day, maybe? What do we supposedly do on that holiday?
        Go to work.
        Stay married to our spouses.
        Pay taxes.
        Keep our property looking nice.
        Harangue our kids to get good grades.
        Arrive to appointments on time.
        That kind of stuff…

  4. Democrats, the news media, academia, and our culture have singled out white people as the root of all evil. It’s only natural that he chose white people as his target of revenge for his own personal suffering. Where’s the statement about the DOJ’s fully stocked civil rights division looking into this? Where’s the hate crime charge? Since racism is supposedly such a huge problem in American, then I’m sure the media will talk about this for months, right? We can expect the Puppet to talk about this any day now, right? Or maybe they only use “racism” to control the population. Since this form of racism isn’t “racism” then it will be swept under the rug. Meanwhile, the powers that be will continue their job of creating more pissed off, aspiring mass shooters.

  5. A black guy is arrested for plotting to kill white people, and SNW illustrates the story with a picture of white guy getting arrested??

    Hard fail!

  6. “A New Jersey man, who was formerly a U.S. Marine, was arrested and charged Friday with threatening to kill White people for their perceived privilege.”

    Once a Marine, always a Marine; regardless of attitude/behavior after discharge.

    Have never heard of “crayon eaters”. Have heard of Marines identified as “Leathernecks”, “Jarheads”, and “Gyrenes” (not sure where that last one comes from).

    1. SAFEupstateFML

      Crayon eater is a newer one that I just started hearing a decade and change ago. And for all the shit talking on marines re intelligence they were the only other US troops I saw on deployment besides some flavor of special forces doing whatever they were doing so it’s not like we were any smarter.

  7. A story about a black man wanting to kill a bunch of white people. Headed by an “ATF Training” picture of a white guy being cuffed. How many people read the 1st 2 paragraphs thinking he may have been white? Seems calculated to me. But what do I know.

  8. Way to post a stock photo of a white guy being cuffed above a story about a BLACK guy arrested for plotting mass murder against whites.

    What’s wrong, geniuses? Fresh outta stock photos of a generic black guy being cuffed?

  9. Hold it together to get through the Corp honorably, roll into a law enforcement job where you can help your “community” with their “struggles”and you are into the middle class with a minimum of effort. Sadly that is exactly the opposite of the message society puts out today.

  10. What a fucking garbage piece of shit article. WTF wrote this tripe and WTF is wrong with his dumb ass? PURE GARBAGE from the first word to the last. FOAD asshole.

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