Alabama Shows Governments Can Still Solve the Big Problems

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3 thoughts on “Alabama Shows Governments Can Still Solve the Big Problems”

  1. The “gun community” supports the machine gun ban. They support only the government being allowed to have machine guns.

    Everyone knows that 99.9% of the people who possess a glock switch are under age black teenagers. The other o.1% are blacks in their early twenty’s.

    Even tho Nancy Pelosi had requested crew served weapons, to be used against protesters she didn’t like.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “The “gun community” supports the machine gun ban. They support only the government being allowed to have machine guns.”

      Speak for yourself, Christopher, you don’t speak for me…

    2. I’m part of the gun community and I support machine guns for all. I should be able to buy them like any other gun. I’d even buy a Glock and put a switch on it just for fun.