11 Years of Chicago Values: 6,960 Homicides, Tens of Thousands Shot, Crime Spiraling Out of Control

Image courtesy HeyJackass.com

Eleven years ago, on January 25, 2013, then Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel came out in opposition to allowing a Chick-fil-A restaurant in the city. Why? From the horse’s mouth:

Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values.

How did that work out? Well, Chick-fil-A now has about a dozen locations in Chicago. What else does Chicago have to illustrate its so-called “values?”

From HeyJackass.com’s Substack . . .

Back in 2012, Rahm was only in the second year of his eight-year run and decided to get involved in a local zoning matter regarding well-known beef-o-phobes, Chick-fil-A. During the controversy in which the alderman didn’t like CFA’s CEO’s politics, Rahm declared the now-immortalized Chicago values line:

“Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values.”

– 9.5, July 25th, 2012

More than 11 years later, we still have no idea what Chicago values are or what they are supposed to represent. No matter its representation or meaning, it made for a fantastic tagline. Thanks Rahm!

By the way, there are now 12 Chicago Chick-fil-A locations, Rahm departed the scene in 2019 and the alderman who started this nonsense is no longer an alderman because of “legal issues”.

So much for values.

So what do Chicago values look like if they are not Chick-fil-A’s values? We’re glad you asked.  Our friends at HeyJackass.com have the tally. In fact, they launched their awesome website on or about that same day.

  • 6,289 shot & killed
  • 363 stabbed
  • 212 beaten
  • 212 killed via other means
  • 269 shot by police, 96 fatally
  • Averaged 10 people shot per day from 2014-2023
  • Jan 1, 2014 – Dec 31, 2023: 22 days without a shooting and/or homicide
  • Worst Day: May 31, 2020 with 18 homicides and 33 wounded
  • 402 mass shootings (4 or more victims) w/ 274 killed from 2014 onward
  • 6,259 (88%) males killed vs 819 females
  • 5,597 (79%) Blacks, 1,147 Hispanics, 334 other
  • 135 children 12 and younger murdered
  • Homicide age range: 0-96
  • Average age of a homicide victim is 30
  • Team Austin tallied 3,327 shot, 596 fatally
  • Every Community Area recorded at least 1 homicide
  • 11th District tallied 721 homicides from 2014 onward
  • At least 1,813 #ShotInTheAss

Is it any wonder why companies are leaving Chicago and people who can afford it are bailing as well? Even the Chicago White Sox are planning to move out of the city soon. With lousy schools and persistent, pernicious and growing crime, there are plenty of reasons families are fleeing that have nothing to do with local politicians’ love of gun control and civilian disarmament. Or chicken sandwiches.

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