New Jersey, Where a Bad Driving Record Prevents You From Carrying a Gun, But Not Driving a Car


When the hearing resumed, petitioner’s counsel told the court that petitioner had not received a traffic ticket since 2016, rather than in 2022 as indicated in the State’s letter, and that petitioner had paid all of his outstanding 4 A-0493-22 traffic tickets in 2022. The court asked the clerk for petitioner’s driving abstract and proceeded to count the violations, arriving at the rough figure of 142. The court stated:

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m not giving you a permit. I’m not. That’s, that’s an outrageous, that shows a pattern of disregard for the law. This, I mean, I’ve never seen an abstract with 142 violations on it. It’s incredible. You know, it shows that you don’t have, have like, respect for the law. You keep violating it, even though you keep getting tickets. And then you don’t pay them. You’re not getting a permit. It’s that simple, based on your driving abstract. Thank you.

The hearing lasted fifteen minutes including the seven-minute pause. That same day, the court entered an order denying petitioner’s application for a permit to carry a handgun. The court found that under N.J.S.A. 2C:58- 3(c)(5), the issuance of a permit to petitioner “would not be in the interest of public safety or welfare.”

New Jersey Court ruling vacating a lower court’s denial of a carry permit

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6 thoughts on “New Jersey, Where a Bad Driving Record Prevents You From Carrying a Gun, But Not Driving a Car”

  1. New Jersey. Where a Bad Driving Record Prevents You From Carrying a Gun, But Not Drying a Car

    No drying for you! That would be an odd punishment.

  2. Please, please and please; Proof-read before hitting the upload button! Seriously, NJ, CT, MA, NY, MD, DE need to be put in check. We have rights that they cannot take away

  3. What the hell id a “driving abstract”? What case is this? What car wash was this case about?

    Seriously Danny….do better.