Kamala Harris Opposed Use of the School Resource Officers Who Saved Lives in a Georgia School

GA Apalachee school resource officers
Courtesy Atlanta News First

When she was running for the presidency in 2019, Kamala Harris advocated for the removal of school resource officers, describing it as an effort to “demilitarize” school campuses, but she has been silent on the subject after a resource officer stopped and arrested the accused shooter at Apalachee High School in Georgia.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is congratulating the officers involved in arresting the 14-year-old accused killer, and reminding Vice President Harris that, if she had her way five years ago, Wednesday’s rampage might have been much worse. 

“Once again,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun, demonstrating how wrong Kamala Harris was about the importance of armed school resource officers, who literally saved lives in Georgia. It’s just one of many things, especially relating to firearms and crime intervention, she’s been wrong about during her political career.”

Before dropping out of the 2020 campaign, Harris also advocated for “mandatory buybacks” of privately-owned modern rifles, a scheme critics quickly described as “compensated confiscation.” CCRKBA notes she has advocated for a ban on semiautomatic rifles, yet FBI crime data reveals that rifles of any kind are used in only 3 to 4 percent of all gun-related homicides in any given year. 

“Kamala Harris, like every other anti-gun-rights Democrat, is only interested a sensational headline and a media soundbite,” Gottlieb observed. “It may sound good on television, but in reality, banning guns will accomplish nothing, and removing armed school resource officers would—as we saw Wednesday—accomplish less than nothing by making schools and our children more vulnerable. 

“Kamala Harris was wrong about removing armed school resource officers,” he stated. “It’s time for the media to end its love fest with the vice president and start looking at what else she’s been wrong about.”  

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4 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Opposed Use of the School Resource Officers Who Saved Lives in a Georgia School”

  1. Having resource officers in the building or veterans, goes against their narrative. Making the public think school shootings are a daily occurrence and calling for buy backs and gun confiscation. Makes it easier to shove socialism down our throats.

    1. Compare this incident to Uvalde and you can see the difference. Without those brave officers, a large number of children and teachers could have died. The fact that they were there and responded immediately prevented further bloodshed.

      It must be realized that the school resource officers (as well as concealed handgun permit holders) have to REACT to an incident. In other words, they cannot shoot somebody because they look/act suspiciously. And they cannot be everywhere in the school all the time. If teachers had been allowed to be armed and trained to respond to this kind of incident maybe nobody would have died.

      As far as the comments made by the Senile in Chief and the VP, and parroted by the media, as usual they blame the gun used by this mentally unstable child instead of the failures of the FBI and school administrators and counselors that failed to prevent this tragedy. Thousands of people die every year because of drunk drivers, but I have not heard anybody trying to ban cars….

  2. TBH, I don’t like “school resource officers” either. When I was growing up, we had school counselors, who were supposed to get to know kid’s problems, and offer advice. I never hear of counselors any more. Someone who is qualified to offer academic advice, maybe offer psychiatric advice, medical advice, and career advice. I guess even some dating advice. Real people, with an education, in education. Not wannabe cops strutting around with a gun and a badge.

    Of course, we also had guns on campus, readily visible in the back windows of pickup trucks, and in boots in jeeps, and locked in glove compartments. Lots of guns, and no school shootings.

    We need more guns on campus, in the hands of teachers, staff, and even students. People who have guns can shoot back at bad guys. People who have no guns are at the mercy of every crazy SOB who comes along. Let’s outlaw ‘gun free zones’, not just in schools, but everywhere.

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