The Colorado Gun Ban Bill Wouldn’t Ban All Guns, Just the Most Popular Ones
Colorado Senate Bill 3 would ban semiautomatic rifles, shotguns and gas-operated pistols that fire ammunition larger than .22 caliber and accept a detachable magazine.
Colorado Senate Bill 3 would ban semiautomatic rifles, shotguns and gas-operated pistols that fire ammunition larger than .22 caliber and accept a detachable magazine.
Beyond federal activism, gun rights activists must be ready to broaden their political horizons. The federal level may not always yield the results they desire.
When you hear on the news that a mass shooting has occurred, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Meet Greg Lickenbrock. He’s the latest in a string of “I’m a gun owner, but…” shills for gun control. Lickenbrock’s decided that cashing Daddy Bloombucks’ checks outweighs actually standing up for what you may believe.
Back in 2022 — post Bruen — a Louisiana District Court upheld the ban on gun sales to young adults. Today, however, a Fifth Circuit three-judge panel has unanimously reversed the District Court’s ruling.
Patrick Tate Adamiak never sold a single real firearm—not one—even though he sold thousands of dollars per month of military
The Dec. 13 shooting of motorist Jason Arrington with his own gun by Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office officer Mindy Cardwell is, quite simply, one of the dumbest things we’ve seen a cop has done in quite some time.
The Firearms Policy Coalition is challenging the federal ban on handgun sales to out-of-state buyers. There’s no good reason for someone to be prohibited from buying a handgun in another state after passing a background check.
It’s important to be precise in describing these issues. Defining the problem as simply “gun violence is the number one cause of death in children and teens” is at best vague, and at worst propagandistic and intentionally misleading.