Grifting for Dollars: David Hogg Uses DNC Mailing List to Raise Cash for His Own Lucrative PAC
A few weeks ago, we noted that anti-gun activist David Hogg wanted to be a Democratic National Committee vice chair. We suggested […]
A few weeks ago, we noted that anti-gun activist David Hogg wanted to be a Democratic National Committee vice chair. We suggested […]
What the complaint failed to acknowledge is the oversized role that one of the plaintiff governments played in these “illegal sales,” a fact later highlighted by the court in dismissing the case.
Despite the assurances of California officials on the importance of “protecting” residents and their data, the reality is that government data leaks and actual misuse are far from isolated occurrences.
For many Dems the reaction to the new presidency is manifesting itself as a commitment to impede the democratically elected president and his allies, including stepped-up efforts to enact extreme gun control measures.
For Mills, this election represents the chance to actually purge LaPierre’s supporters from the board of directors. He and his supporters aren’t pulling any punches in opposing the old guard.
The NRA is at the crossroads between opportunity and danger. Members are demanding change and the “Elect A New NRA” slate is prepared to be that change.
The killer was admitted to a “specialist education centre” where he stated the reason he brought the knife to his previous school was “to use it.” He was later referred to an anti-extremism program after he researched school shootings in class.
In the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller U.S. Supreme Court decision, Justice Antonin Scalia contemplated potential location restrictions governments could impose
If ATF Director Steve Dettelbach were as dedicated to professional law enforcement as he’s claimed, one would think he would stay on, make his case with Trump, then let the chips fall where they may.
In the mind of the New York Giants, the New York City subway system was too dangerous for its star quarterback. If that’s the case, how is the average New Yorker or tourist expected to fare when they head underground?