Louisiana Becomes the Eighth State to Enact a FIND Law Protecting Gun-Related Businesses From Financial Discrimination

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry
Courtesy Louisiana Governor’s office

Aaaaand another state has let big banks and other financial institutions know they won’t do business with companies that discriminate against the firearm industry firms. This shouldn’t be necessary, of course, but thanks to the Obama administration’s Operation Choke Point and anti-gun executives running big money center banks and large insurance companies, a number of gun makers, distributors, and retailers have been told their business isn’t welcome.

In response, red states that are run by pro-gun rights politicians have been enacting FIND (financial non-discrimination) laws that cut those companies off from entering into contracts with states and municipalities if they cancel or de-bank gun-related firms. That includes preventing them from underwriting state and municipal bond issues which can cost them millions in fees.

After a long fight, Louisiana has finally become the eighth such state. The Sportsman’s Paradise has joined Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Montana, Texas, Utah and Wyoming in having a FIND law on the books. Here’s the NSSF’s statement cheering Governor Jeff Landry for signing Louisiana’s FIND Act into law.

NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, praised Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry for signing the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act. The law, SB 234, prohibits state agencies from entering into contracts with corporations that discriminate against the firearm industry. Gov. Landry signed the law at a signing ceremony in Baton Rouge, La., today.

Louisiana’s FIND Act will prevent “woke” corporate banks with discriminatory policies against firearm industry members from collecting taxpayer dollars through state contracts. Louisianans will choose to do business with those companies that do not discriminate based on an industry these corporate banks may not like or with which they disagree.

“Governor Landry’s leadership in Louisiana was the inspiration behind the FIND Act. While Attorney General and serving on the State Bond Commission, he helped deny hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer-funded work to ‘woke’ Wall Street banks that were refusing to provide our industry essential financial services,” said Darren LaSorte, NSSF’s Director, Government Relations – State Affairs. “If he could do it administratively, we could do it statutorily. The Louisiana legislature passed the FIND Act in 2021, but it was vetoed by then-Governor John Bel Edwards. Today’s bill signing by Governor Landry demonstrates that elections have real consequences. By signing the FIND Act, Governor Landry is signaling to our industry that Louisiana is now a place where firearm industry members are welcomed with open arms.”

The FIND Act was sponsored by state Sen. Blake Miguez. The bill approved in 2021, but vetoed by the former governor, was also sponsored by Sen. Miguez, when he previously served in the state’s House of Representatives.

Louisiana’s FIND Act will require corporate banks and financial service providers seeking contracts valued at $100,000 or greater with the state and its municipalities to certify that they hold no discriminatory policies against firearm industry businesses. Contracts that are certified and later discovered to be out of compliance with the law, will be subject to cancellation.

NSSF thanks Gov. Landry and his staff, as well as Sen. Miguez and state Rep. Troy Romero, for their active participation throughout the legislative process to successfully advance the FIND Act into law. The dedication to stand for Louisianans’ rights, businesses and interests over Wall Street banks enabled the FIND Act to become law.

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9 thoughts on “Louisiana Becomes the Eighth State to Enact a FIND Law Protecting Gun-Related Businesses From Financial Discrimination”

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      ‘Firearm Concierge’ is an NFA dealer near Baton Rouge who has been having serious issues with being de-banked, this is good news for him…

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      I honestly don’t know, does it?

      FC wrote a few articles years back when TTAG’s founder was R. Farrago…

      1. Geoff, update:
        The state web workers are behind on postings here: https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/home
        and here: https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillsToActs.aspx?sid=24RS
        Because SB 234 has still not been added as a signed bill. I do think Governor Landry will sign SB 234 and others if he hasn’t already.
        Also, several legislators keep me updated on bill signings and to date I have not received any news per any signings including SB 234.

        I find no evidence that a gun store named ‘Firearm Concierge’ exists or ever did exist in or near Baton Rouge.
        I did find this link to FC: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/author/firearmconcierge/
        FC was posting on TTAG as late as 2021.
        There does appear to be a Firearm Concierge in Arizona.

        The bio on the link seems to indicate that FC is a person for throughout the bio FC is the antecedent of “he”.

        Geoff, no big deal, I was just curious about the gun store.


    1. @Geoff: My first response was moderated for who knows what reason. I had posted links etc. Now I will reduce the comment.
      I still find no evidence on the state website that Governor Landry has signed SB234. The state web workers at times are behind, (not to be confused with ass).
      I find no evidence that FC ever existed as a gun store in or near Baton Rouge. In this link: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/author/firearmconcierge/ FC is the antecedent of “he” throughout the bio in the link which leads one to believe that FC is a person. No big deal, I was just curious about the Firearm Concierge store.

      1. Good grief. Now the original comment is posted. My mistake although I don’t know how I made the mistake.
        Have a good day all.

  1. June 11: Governor Landry also signed into law: SB 301 Provides for transactions involving firearms and ammunition retailers. SB 301 prohibits the use of M I C (merchant identifier codes) relative to firearm and related purchases: https://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/BillInfo.aspx?i=246582

    And: SB 208 Provides for sanctuary policies. Which prohibits a state entity, law enforcement agency, or local governmental entity from
    adopting an illegal alien sanctuary policy. Or sanctuary cities etc in the state of Louisiana. https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?i=246364

    And: SB 608 Creates the Women’s Safety and Protection Act. This bill simply put means men(biological males) will use restrooms etc reserved for men “only” and women(biological females) will use women’s restroom, dressing rooms etc by women “only”. Gender is relative to biological males and biological females and those who think they are xyz are prohibited from infringing due to their mental gender wishes. https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?i=246414