20 Years Ago Today, The Clinton ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Was No More
The lesson for anti-gunners and federal level Democrats should be that nothing makes an American want something more than the government telling them they can’t have it.
The lesson for anti-gunners and federal level Democrats should be that nothing makes an American want something more than the government telling them they can’t have it.
Gather round, folks, because today we’re going to do a deep dive into gun control history. Today is the 20th
Not everyone can afford a $1,000+ wheel-gun. Trust me, I know. I still remember buying brand new GP100s for under $450 and I thought that was expensive when I was a rookie patrolman.
You can’t get more classically American than that. Immigrants move to Miami with a passion for capitalism and shooting. Then they start a gun import company and bring over some fine pieces from the old country. I love stories like that. It’s truly the American dream.
I like guns. So much so that I even like the first generation Smith & Wesson Sigma. But the Wyoming
As a gun owner in Florida, I grew up with the mantra, “concealed means concealed.” Meaning that if a place
Gun Owners of America and the Gun Owners Foundation have helped secure a temporary restraining order against the Biden ATF’s