5.7 Pistol Designs: Different Routes to the Same Destination

The best way to learn any tool is to learn by using it. That’s the reason behind this week’s 5.7 Fest in Louisiana. Writers and manufacturers of 5.7×28 guns, ammo and accessories got together to give an opportunity to invited media to determine for themselves what this diminutive caliber is capable of doing. They also did […]

QA Outdoors Interview: Ryan Gresham of Gun Talk Media

QA Outdoors: The outdoor industry is, despite the presence of major companies, still is a family business. Some people say, “Well it’s easy for somebody to do whatever…you know…they got it from their daddy or whatever.” You are generation three of the Gresham businesses. Ryan Gresham: I think that’s the generation they say usually screws […]

The 5.7×28 Round is Unique, But Is It Really Useful?

For the record, I own, shoot, and enjoy guns that are chambered for the 5.7×28 round. It’s ultra-fast and uber-fun. But is it another one of those “solutions in search of a problem” like many of the other allegedly hot calibers that have come and gone over the years? That’s the question I’ve come to […]

Vista Announces the Sale of RCBS to Hodgdon Powder Company

As the future via unwinding/rebranding/whatever of Vista Outdoor (NYSE: VSTO) continues, there’s a frequently recurring question: “what’s going to happen to (insert your favorite Vista property here)?” The honest answer? At this point, we haven’t a clue. That’s why most of the people employed by any of Vista’s plethora of companies are, to put it […]

Process vs. Results: The Real World Consequences of Biden’s War on Guns

Admit it or not, this administration is at war against the firearms and ammunition industry. The attacks have been unrelenting, from Operation Choke Point (begun under the Obama Administration) to the latest ill-intentioned act: the “90 day pause” on non-military exports by the Commerce Department. A “pause” that will, barring some sort of near-divine intervention […]

Commerce Announces Permanent ‘Pause’ on Firearm Exports

US Department of Commerce

Later this morning, the Commerce Department will announce a new rule making their Bureau of Industry and Security’s alleged “90-day pause” to review current firearm export review policies permanent. The new rule will be effective on May 30 as “interim final” with a 60-day wind-down for existing licenses. A comment period will be provided to […]

War on Guns: Biden Commerce Dept. Will Make Small Arms Export Pause Permanent

Gina Raimondo, US Secretary of Commerce

This morning, a briefing will be held by the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) for “the Hill” regarding their interim rule regarding the “pause” on the issuance of new government licenses for firearms, related components and  ammunition for “nongovernmental end users.”  The Outdoor Wire has learned the Commerce Department plans to […]

I Don’t Believe in Coincidences

I joke that I’m not superstitious. When someone asked why that was, my response is simple: “because it’s bad luck.” Believing in luck creates luck. Believing in bad luck…well, you know. But coincidence, that’s a different matter. Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered pointed remarks with a simple message: the threat of Chinese Communist […]

FBI Director Wray Sounds Alarm Over Chinese Digital Threats

digitial computer program coding hacker

We live in uncertain times. Nothing has done so much to bring that uncertainty home recently as a Thursday speech given by FBI Director Christopher Wray at Vanderbilt University’s “Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats.” It wasn’t just enlightening, it was eye-opening. The fact it was given less than a half hour from my […]

Who’s Running a Disinformation Campaign Against the Vista/CSG Deal and Why?

csg czechoslovak group

In the outdoor industry handshakes often seal agreements and paperwork is a formality. Sure, deals fall through, but seldom is the problem due to another suitor popping up. That’s why the proposed acquisition of Vista Outdoors’ Kinetic group (the ammunition makers) by Czechoslovakia’s CSG has gotten a lot of attention.  Yesterday, a pair of letters […]