ATF Director Steve Dettelbach giggled while being gifted an 80% AR receiver as a retirement gift: The very thing he tried to make a felony for the average American, and pushed to shut down dozens of legal businesses over.
— Brandon Herrera (@TheAKGuy) January 10, 2025
When asked about such complaints, Dettelbach observed that there are currently over 400 million firearms in the United States, far more firearms than the nation’s 341 million population. He says it’s never been easier to obtain a firearm legally, or illegally.
“The notion that people’s rights are somehow endangered is belied by the overwhelming facts that surround us,” he says. ”At the same time, there is a very significant gun crime problem. It’s not hypothetical … It’s something that’s happening every single day. People are being killed and injured in places like New Orleans and New York in cases that you read about, and in the Hough neighborhood and Central and Parma, in crimes you never read about.”
Dettelbach argues stopping gun crimes should transcend politics. He found common ground, for instance, with the National Shooting Sports Foundation for an education program about the dangers of being a “straw purchaser” who buys guns for other people who might commit crimes.
“The temperature on these things has gotten way too hot,” says Dettelbach. “… I just think we have to lower the temperature on this issue significantly. The American people don’t want to see us fight. The American people want to see us fight for them.”
— Sabrina Eaton in ATF Director Steve Dettelbach reflects on fighting gun crimes in his final days on the job
Douche bag. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Why not? As long as he goes the hell away, I’d actually prefer to see the door hit him in the ass on the way out, it seems like a fitting tribute and the ideal way to summarize his entire reign of terror.
set the taco stevens (types of door closers) on eleven.
“At the same time, there is a very significant gun crime problem. It’s not hypothetical … It’s something that’s happening every single day. People are being killed and injured in places like New Orleans and New York in cases that you read about, and in the Hough neighborhood and Central and Parma, in crimes you never read about.”
Key word ‘crime’ ….do something about, ya know, criminals committing those crimes. Yet, what did you do? Why of course, you weaponzed against law abiding innocent American citizens, and under your direction the ATF terrorized them, took their livelihoods away, violated their constitutional rights, basically waged war against them, murdered them, threatened to shoot children, for no crime at all simply ’cause you said so – then you had the nerve to call it ‘crime fighting’.
You need have your anacrotyrany criminal terrorism and blood stained hands, self righteous fat faced ass, dragged to a prison cell in the deepest darkest hole there is and the key thrown away.
People being killed and injured in places like New Orleans” – by a car, not a gun, dumbass. And New Orleans already has the tightest gun control ordinances of any place in The South.
“and in New York” – a place with the absolute most restrictive gun control laws in the entire USA
“in the Hough neighborhood” – ah, the place where the Wade Park Gang has been shooting everything that moves
I think everyone here (except Steve Dettelbach) gets the point.
After Katrina, the “law” started disarming residents in neighborhoods defending themselves from looters. Looting went up.
A criminal government begets a criminal society. THAT is what we are up against.
I know you know.
Just sayin…..
straight putz.
Hey, don’t just assume about his sexual orientation. He might be a gay putz. Or a trans putz. Your microaggression painting him as a straight white male is offensive.
Okay, this is a stupid comment but I’m already here commenting on everything else, seemed a shame not to do one here.
Well played ShooterBill, well played indeed.
i’m so simple i thought you were suggesting putz was some type of sexual reference. quick on the uptake as usual.
ATF criminal-terrorist Dettlebach (and the presenter) commits (firearms) felony at criminal-terrorist Dettlebach “going away” party.
h ttps://
So the solution is to take away the weapons ordinary citizens need to defend themselves against criminals who just laugh at gun control laws, do I have that right?
Give us the demographics on exactly what groups of people are committing the gun crimes. Yeah … I know … you’ll get back to us on that.
What continues to escape these people is the US Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights (which are ALL restrictions on government, NOT citizens), and the Second Amendment.
His opinion, in fact the opinion of any politician or government figure, on the ‘politics’ of this is irrelevant.
Shall Not Be Infringed. It’s not ambiguous. It needs to be said again and again.
There is literally no need to engage these clowns on the moral extortion they attempt. None.
Shall Not Be Infringed.
So will the agents who bought the 80% receiver be prosecuted as straw buyers?
“He says it’s never been easier to obtain a firearm legally.” Well, only if “Never” is defined as only since various gun control laws went into effect. But the facts are as meaningless to the left as the Second Amendment is.
Hey, Steve, don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you.
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