WaPo Uses Failed Reagan Assassin’s Song to Point the Finger of Blame at Guns

John Hinckley
John W. Hinckley, Jr.  (YouTube)

“Well I don’t know what is wrong with this world,

I wanna see some love.

Everybody’s fightin’, here and there,

I wanna see some love.

Can’t we get along?

All day long,

Think it’s time we do.”

This is the message of unity we’re hearing across the nation now, after a shocking weekend of violence at a Trump rally.

But the author of these words may surprise you.

It’s from a song written by John W. Hinckley Jr., the man who shot President Ronald Reagan 43 years ago in D.C.

And his actions and words show us the problem isn’t about politics. It’s guns.

 — Petula Dvorak in A Shooter Shows It’s Not Just Political Violence, It’s Gun Violence

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7 thoughts on “WaPo Uses Failed Reagan Assassin’s Song to Point the Finger of Blame at Guns”

    1. LampOfDiogenes


      And in other news, water is wet, and the sun (shockingly!) rose in the East this morning. But you could have added in NYT, LAT, and pretty much every other “major” newspaper and their ‘crack’ reportorial and editorial staffs.

  1. Don’t we have tens of thousands of hyper violent pre-gun human history to show this notion is a complete farce?

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      Talk about delusional.

      Hinckley was trying to impress Jodie Foster, who was a dyed-in-the-wool hard-core lesbian…

      1. SAFEupstateFML

        That didn’t help 😋. So they are now trying to latch onto a low iq nutjob doing some hippie type music to push guns being a problem?

  2. Someone should write a “Schoolhouse Rock” ditty about the Second Amendment. “Shall not be infringed … la la la.”

    Me? Oh, heck no, I’m not talented.

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