SNAPSAFE’s New Premium Welded Safes

SnapSafe Premium Welded Safes provide peace of mind and valuable security, built with state-of-the-art materials and superior craftsmanship. SnapSafe understands the importance of keeping firearms secure and out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have access. It is also a great option to protect important documents and any number of valuables, from jewelry to […]

Shooting Straight: Quit Being a Fudd

Telling people to quit being Fudds isn’t the best way to make it happen, but sometimes it feels like the only option left. In case you’ve been living under a rock in the gun world, the term “Fudd” is meant to apply to gun owners who refuse to stop living in the past. They don’t […]

After Rahimi, Bruen Remains Tanned, Rested, and Ready for Future Cases

gun store rifles assault weapons

By focusing on Rahimi’s “dangerous” conduct, the high court did not foreclose a series of other challenges to federal disarmament laws already pending at the Supreme Court, including one related to Hunter Biden’s felony gun case. One of those cases that has been appealed to the justices centers on a Mississippi man who is challenging a […]