Lies, Misinformation, and Deception: The Trace Podcast Does DGUs and CDC Research

trace podcast graphic in guns we trust

In our first installment of a critical analysis of the anti-gun propaganda podcast series from The Trace, we covered the lies, misinformation, and deceptive emotional arguments made in the first four episodes. Here, we will delve into the fifth episode, which continues the previous format, but adds embarrassing incidents where The Trace contradicts itself in an […]

Home VR Training: ACE Virtual Shooting

[This is the second of a four-part series on virtual reality training programs. You can read part one here.] ACE Virtual Shooting (formerly known as ACE XR and previously reviewed here) is a handgun marksmanship and competition simulator for the Meta Quest VR platform. The heart of the ACE system has been their Arctus handset, […]

Pro Tip: Be Ready So You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Yet another bit of good news dropped this week. The government of Denmark has joined other European countries, such as Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia in advising its citizens to be prepared for a potential “hybrid war” with Russia. The Danes are once more citing the threat of cyberattacks against their infrastructure. Where have […]

Gun Violence Archive Data Shows Violent Crime Has Skyrocketed Under Biden

Joe Biden flipflops on violent crime rates – sometimes they’re going up, sometimes they’re going down – depending on who is in the audience. He uses two vastly different data sources to create his mixed messages.  Biden cites FBI data when trying to convince voters that crime is not out of control, so they feel […]

NYT Tries to Take Down Georgetown Prof Who Revealed Extent of Defensive Gun Uses

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It’s strange that the media never have a problem with gun control industry hacks like Ryan Busse being paid expert witnesses, but when academics do it, providing aid and comfort to people who support the Second Amendment, they must be destroyed. In the battle to dismantle gun restrictions, raging in America’s courts even as mass […]