The 20 Gauge Mossberg 590 – A Low Recoil Fighting Shotgun

For years, the 20 gauge has been considered a practical alternative to the 12 gauge, offering lower recoil and substantial power. However, finding a purpose-built tactical or defensive 20 gauge shotgun has been a challenge. While 20 gauge deer and bird guns are plentiful, a dedicated tactical smoothbore has been…elusive. Until now, that is. Mossberg […]

Giffords Claims a Lack of Gun Control Has Made Texas More Violent

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We’ve heard it all before. Every time the gun rights ball is moved forward even a little bit, the anti-gun crowd makes the same hysterical arguments: Blood will run in the streets! Why? Because they think that gun control laws limits on where people can carry firearms are the only things keeping people from killing […]

Washington Residents Finding Firearm Freedom Across the Border in Idaho


The Zielinski family packed up and moved to North Idaho last June, less than two months after Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed the assault weapons ban into law. “I really got to see how bad things were starting to get,” Zielinski said. “We finally reached a crescendo.” Zielinski opened his own gun store just a […]