Horrific Australian Knife Attacks Clearly Show What Happens to a Disarmed Populace

Sydney Westfield Mall stabbing

From the CCRKBA . . . The bloody rampage by a knife-wielding madman in Sydney, Australia over the weekend underscores the deadly danger of public disarmament in a nation whose restrictive gun control strategies are often envied by U.S. gun control advocates, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. A […]

Shooting Straight: The Hard Times That Weak Men Create

iranian missiles

A lot of you probably know the quote about hard times and weak men from memes going around, but it isn’t just a meme. It’s also not a quote from a founding father or some famous philosopher. It was author G. Michael Hopf who penned it in a novel. The quote is “Hard times create […]

Another New Mini Shell Option – Sterling Mini Slugs

Sterling is a Turkish brand that most famously makes shotgun ammo. That’s seemingly appropriate for a country that exports heaps and heaps of shotguns to the US. The Sterling series of ammo has been pretty standard, pretty affordable, and pretty good. I’ve shot my fair share of it and found it to be a very […]

Question of the Day: Who Will ATF Agents Kill Next?

ATF Malinowski deadly raid arkansas

The ATF went to Bryan Malinowski’s West Little Rock home last month spoiling for a gunfight, and they got one. Now, a good man is dead, the latest victim of ATF’s overly aggressive tactics and complete disregard for the sanctity of human life.  ATF has yet to comment officially on the March 19 killing, other […]

The Law May Be On Your Side, But Prosecutors Probably Aren’t

emily taylor

This evidences that prosecutors — and this is not true of simply this prosecutor, prosecutors all over the country — this guy is disappointed that he won’t be able to potentially put these 14 human beings in cages because they’re going to be found justified as acts of self-defense. So that says to me, he’s […]