Better Gear Doesn’t Make You a Good Shooter…But it Definitely Doesn’t Hurt

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by ShootingNewsWeekly (@shootingnewsweekly) “A poor carpenter blames his tools.” “It’s not the arrow, it’s the Indian.” We’ve all heard those old aphorisms and they’re generally true. For the most part. But that doesn’t mean that having good tools — and knowing what to do with […]

Overwhelming Majority of Americans Oppose Biden’s War on Guns

Joe Biden

From the CCRKBA . . . A new survey by The Economist and YouGov shows only 29 percent of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s performance on guns, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says a detailed examination of polling data shows the president is in big trouble on the […]

Let’s Not Emulate the Bad Example of Our Neighbor to the North

[W]hile gun owners in this country may look at this comical story about their neighbors to the north and chuckle at their ridiculous predicament, they must stay vigilant, as the ideology behind Canadian gun control is marching south to bring those same restrictions to the United States. Gun control groups in the U.S. would like […]