What kind of people think it’s a bad thing thing to train teachers to successfully defend their students from bad people who want to do them harm? SPOILER ALERT: The same sorts of folks who would have you disarmed and helpless at home while allowing millions of illegal aliens to pour across our nation’s borders.
Gun-grabbers, who the media euphemistically label as “gun violence prevention advocates,” are demanding that Utah’s Governor Spencer Cox veto a bill that would help fund teacher firearm training. Why? Because they can’t abide the thought of guns in schools, even in the hands of vetted and trained good guys and gals.
Again, victim disarmament advocates don’t support enabling educators and staffers to use deadly force to defend and protect defenseless children and themselves from violent attacks.
Imagine the violence that a “good guys thwarting would-be mass murderer at a school” incident or two would do to their all-guns-are-bad narrative.

We have armed bodyguards defending celebrities like Taylor Swift and other pop tarts. Armed guards protect our courthouses, legislatures, banks, and jewelry stores. Now we even have men with guns patrolling New York City’s subway system. Armed guards even protect our worst criminals. But at the same time, these “violence prevention advocates” work to keep innocent children unprotected and undefended.
These people are evil.
Here’s some details via the AP . . .
Gun violence prevention advocates who gathered Monday at the Utah State Capitol called on Gov. Spencer Cox to veto legislation that they said could place children in harm’s way by training more teachers to carry firearms on campus.
The bill funding tactical training for Utah educators who want to defend their classrooms with guns received final legislative approval last week when the Republican-controlled House voted along party lines to send it to the governor’s desk.
Cox, a Republican, has not stated directly whether he will sign the bill, but he told reporters on Friday that he is “very worried about school safety” and supports arming and training school staff so they can “respond very quickly if the worst does happen.”
Under the measure, teachers who hold a valid concealed carry permit can participate for free in an annual program training them to defend their classrooms against active threats and to safely store, carry, load and unload firearms in a school setting.
The program would cost the Department of Public Safety about $100,000 annually, according to the bill, and begin May 1 if signed into law. County sheriffs would appoint instructors to lead the course, which participating teachers would be expected to retake each year.
Some Utah educators, including retired public school teacher Stan Holmes, worry the half-day training would not be enough to prepare teachers to respond properly in an emergency, which could lead to student injuries. The U.S. Army veteran said he has taken a tactical training course offered by the state, which he referred to Monday as “a joke.”
A half day of training is “a joke” says the guy who claimed he was a retired public school teacher? No sir, Mr. Holmes. A half-day is a good start, it’s not a joke.
Putting one’s head into the sand and pretending threats don’t exist has real-life consequences. Denial has no survival value.

Along those lines, GSL Defense Training in Illinois has partnered with Guns Save Life and the DeWitt County Sportsman’s Club to offer a FREE two-day class for educators and school staffers on June 22 and 23 near Clinton, Illinois. Participants will learn vital skill sets from over a dozen dedicated instructors from all walks of life, many with decades of experience teaching.

It’s the third time we’ve done this in recent years, and we make it fun for all.

Participants shoot 250 rounds over the weekend in everything from static drills to shooting while moving and learning target discrimination. Attorneys teach the legal basics including the judicious use of deadly force, all without a single PowerPoint slide.
For more information for those who live and work in the education field in or near Illinois, visit Guns Save Life’s website or GSL Defense Training. It’s open to anyone in education from daycare to the university level. That includes those who push a broom, cook meals, or drive a bus.

Not tomorrow l, but the next Saturday, I was scheduled for an all- day class to qualify for Florida and Arizona concealed carry. Needed to drop out because of work travel. Maybe this summer.
Libs do not want to prevent school shootings They want to spread their perverse dogma. They like to control other people.
Not today.
“Because they can’t abide the thought of guns in schools, even in the hands of vetted and trained good guys and gals.”
Its more they don’t want guns in schools in the hands of vetted and trained good guys and gals. And the reason for that is simple: They would prefer the injury and death of innocent children (even if they don’t admit it or realize it, its what they are actually doing), it feeds their overall agenda goal of removing the 2A rights for law abiding citizens and that 2A right also includes defense of innocent kids. Notice how they are quick to exploit the deaths and injury to scream ‘get rid of the guns!’ while at the same time wanting to remove the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers.
These school-shooters do not kill because they have a gun, they kill because they are driven by mental illness. Yet, every time for these anti-gun idiots its ‘the guns, get rid of the guns’ instead of ‘hey, lets address the actual cause of mental illness’ while at the same time wanting to remove the only known sure method of defense chance against such killers. And not to forget that such killers, mass/school-shooters, more than 97% of them commit their acts in these places because they are ‘no guns zones’ because they know they are more likely to succeed, thanks to the anti-gun making sure they are immortalized for the infamy of their heinous acts, because its less likely they would be stopped by someone with the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers because law abiding people tend to obey the law and rules and not bring their defense guns into ‘gun free zones’ while the killer/criminal is free to ignore such restriction.
Basically, ‘gun free zones’ are areas where these killers/criminals are guaranteed defenseless prey by law.
So… teachers and school staff and parents and politicians – you have a choice here – you can choose to listen to these anti-gun idiots and remove the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers – or – you can choose to give these kids a chance by having the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers.
There is a reason the police, when they do finally show up, show up with guns for such incidents. So get a clue here – it takes a little while for police to show up, so what defense chance for your kids do you want when that killer is right there in front of you and imminent and the police are not around? Do you want one of these anti-gun people who are not going to be there to defend you or those kids or do you want the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers?
Do not let these anti-gun idiots get their way. They are doing nothing but facilitating such killers.
And to add…. unless you are going to be there to defend these kids and stop that killer cold when the time comes – then STFU, you have absolutely zero business trying to remove the only chance these kids have by trying to remove the only known sure method of defense, which is defensive gun use, chance against such killers
“What kind of people think it’s a bad thing thing to train teachers to successfully defend their students from bad people who want to do them harm?”
The same people who propose giving teachers a bucket of rocks for defense against school shooters? Yes, that actually happened. These aren’t serious people.