ATF’s Tiahrt Amendment Violations Feed the Media’s Name-and-Shame Campaign

President Joe Biden campaigned on repealing the so-called “Tiahrt rider,” enacted in 2003, that protects from public disclosure law enforcement sensitive trace data contained within the ATF’s National Tracing Center’s (NTC) Firearm Tracing System (FTS). This is the database of firearms that have been recovered and traced by law enforcement in connection with a bona […]

Gun Rights Orgs Oppose Cornyn’s Bid to Replace McConnell as Senate GOP Leader

john cornyn

With the aged and infirm Senator Mitch McConnell announcing that he’ll be stepping down as GOP Senate Leader after the election, the tussle is on to replace him. To virtually no one’s surprise, Texas Senator John Cornyn wants the job despite not currently holding a position in the Senate GOP leadership. And why not? Wouldn’t […]