Zero Bail Follies: Chicago Has a New Poster Boy for Criminal Justice Reform

The brain trust that is the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus effectively runs the Illinois General Assembly. Countless times, they and their supporters have spoken passionately about the moral imperative of not sending black and brown people to prison. Even habitual violent offenders who prey on other black and brown people. One man in particular has […]

California Hasn’t Learned (Yet) That It Can’t Defy the Supreme Court’s 2A Rulings

California Sen. Anthony Portantino

By Timothy Wheeler, MD The new year saw the customary barrage of new California gun control laws. The most appalling is Sen. Anthony Portantino’s Senate Bill 2, a rebellious reaction to last year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling NYSRPA v. Bruen. SB 2 has nothing to do with criminals. Rather, it selectively targets only one group—holders of […]

Hawaii Supreme Court Says the ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Trumps the United States Constitution

hawaii aloha hula girl dashboard

The justices of Hawaii’s Supreme Court have ruled that the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is all wrong. Instead of following rulings in cases such as Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, the HSC has instead asserted that Hawaii’s pre-US history along with something called the “Aloha Spirit” is what really reigns supreme. Here’s […]

Out-of-Staters Pouring Money Into Colorado Anti-Hunting Ballot Measure

In a January 16 filing with the Colorado Secretary of State, the issue committee backing the measure (Cats Aren’t Trophies) reports raising just over $218,000 in the last quarter of 2023, with another roughly $60,000 in ‘non-monetary’ contributions. Of that, $100,000 comes from the Washington, DC-based Animal Wellness Action, with another $2087 in-kind donation of “personnel services” […]