Taylor Swift Loves Guns For Her Multi-Million Dollar Security Team. For You and Me, Not So Much.

Taylor Swift armed security
Courtesy TikTok via @mddholt

Taylor Swift has gotten a lot of publicity with her much publicized romance with the KC Chiefs’ tight end Travis Kelce. She’s become a regular at Chiefs games and will likely appear at the SuperBowl this Sunday.

One thing’s for sure, when Taylor Swift enters the room, she’s got lots of gun-toting security guards looking out for her safety.


She spends millions on hired guns to protect her. At the same time, more than a few of us find it highly ironic that she also advocates for victim disarmament for average people — like her fans — leaving them much less able to protect themselves and their families from criminals, lunatics and other assorted bad guys.

Screen capture by Boch via Instagram

How good is Taylor Swift’s security? It’s likely among the best of the best in the private world given that she’s a very high net worth individual. She even hires local cops (or just as likely they might even “volunteer”) to supplement her security team.

For instance, at Lambeau Field in Wisconsin recently, she had Kansas City (Missouri) PD Captain Daniel Graves close by her side. If Graves is officially working security details outside of Kansas City, Missouri, that’s something that clearly runs afoul of KCPD department policies and procedures.

However, when you’re married to the chief like Capt. Graves is, rules must seem more like suggestions. But to many, it serves as just another example of one standard for the little people, and another for Taylor Swift. No doubt having off-duty law enforcement working security helps get around local firearms restrictions that the rest of us law-abiding folks are required to follow.

From the KC Star:

A Kansas City police captain who is also the husband of Police Chief Stacey Graves appeared to be working as private security for Taylor Swift when the Kansas City Chiefs played the Green Bay Packers in Wisconsin on Sunday.

KCPD Captain Daniel Graves (in red plaid jacket) in Wisconsin immediately behind Taylor Swift. Screen capture by Boch via X

Capt. Daniel Graves was seen in photographs and videos accompanying Swift as the megastar walked into Lambeau Field with Brittany Mahomes, wife of Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, and Lindsay Bell, who is married to Chiefs tight end Blake Bell.

Swift, who has been dating Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce for several months, has attended several games at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium. Sunday was the second time she attended an away game.

Kansas City Police Department policy places restrictions on officers’ outside employment, including private security and off-duty security work at venues such as Arrowhead.

Section IV of policy 630 on “secondary employment” says members are only allowed to work law enforcement-related outside jobs inside the city limits of Kansas City.

No doubt money buys great security for the “high-net-worth” individuals like Taylor Swift.  And Mark “Spends 43.4 million on private armed security” Zuckerberg.  Even as these same people – like Swift – advocate against the little people like us even having the ability to defend ourselves and our families with our own defensive firearms.

Even in heavily gun-controlled Australia (for some), Swift travels with not just one, but a whole phalanx of armed guards. Stories about her security are few and far between, but one blog down under wrote about their experience at an “intimate” private performance for about 100.

From PaleGingerBabies . . .

SECURITY for Taylor Swift is so tight during her tour of Australia that she has 4 personal bodyguards assigned to her alone.

Nova 969’s Fitzy and Wippa spoke to news.com.au after their Red Room coup with Swift on Hamilton Island last night, where just 100 people were invited to see her perform a very private gig.

The radio duo, the only media outlet in the world to secure an interview with Swift during her 1989 tour, said there was a “machine” behind the singer working to make sure her security and privacy is maintained at all times.

“We were sitting backstage waiting for her to arrive and it was just like the president had entered the building,” Wippa said of the moment Swift arrived backstage with her security in tow.

“I thought I’d seen it all with One Direction. When they came into the Nova building there was security on every level, they changed the traffic lights so the boys could get straight through the city, but this was even bigger, 4 personal security guards with her, just on her.”

Fitzy said there was one of her personal security guards assigned to every door she needed to walk through as well as three security guards watching to see if anyone had their phones out during the gig…

Wippa said her security posse was almost “intimidating”.

And then there’s the facial recognition software scanning the crowd looking for known stalkers.

The bottom line: Taylor Swift has strong opinions about gun control for America’s working class. She also puts her money where her mouth is and spends millions on her own armed security…because she knows that the only thing that stops bad men with evil in their hearts is good guys with guns.

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