No One Beats a Girl Who Can Shoot: Alleged Domestic Abuser Shot With His Own Gun

Arthur Clinton mugshot (courtesy of the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office)

Poor Arthur Clinton. The Brooksville, Florida Man™ has made a lot of poor life decisions. As a guy who allegedly beats women, he also chose to date a woman who can shoot. That didn’t end well.  So after Arthur had a fight with his girlfriend, she told police he beat her. Then attempting to strangle her. Fortunately, she escaped his grasp long enough to pick up his gun and shoot him with it.

Neighbors called the cops after the gunshot. Cops found Arthur in the passenger seat of their car, bleeding from a gunshot wound to his leg, with his exceptionally kind girlfriend about to take him to the hospital for some stop-leak. The local constabulary arranged for an ambo for faster service.

Then, a short time later, the boys in blue then added insult to injury by arresting Mr. Clinton for domestic battery.

Hernando County deputies are investigating after they say a man was shot while battering a woman at a Brooksville home.

According to the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, deputies and first responders with Hernando County Fire Rescue were sent to a home on Young Street in Brooksville for reports of a possible shooting early Monday morning.

The 911 caller, according to investigators, said they heard people arguing before hearing what they believed to be gunfire.

Upon arrival, deputies say they found Arthur Clinton sitting in a vehicle in the road with a gunshot wound to his leg. A woman was sitting in the vehicle with him, according to HCSO.

According to HCSO, Clinton told deputies, “She shot me by accident…”

Sorry Mr. Clinton. You’re not a very good liar. Pretty sure she meant to shoot you. She might have missed her intended target, but she no doubt meant to stop your (allegedly) abusive behavior.

Deputies say when Clinton stopped strangling the woman, she was able to get up and grab the gun that he had placed on the porch. At that point, according to deputies, Clinton charged at the woman again.

In self-defense, the female fired a round from the firearm, striking Clinton in the leg, according to HCSO.

That’s when, according to deputies, the couple got into a vehicle so she could take him to a hospital.

God helps those who help themselves. When Mr. Clinton put that gun down to commence (allegedly) tuning up his girlfriend, she exploited his blunder by grabbing his gat and shooting him with it at her earliest opportunity. Funny how everyone’s got a plan until they get shot in (or in this case near) the undercarriage.

Hopefully she will buy her own GLOCK with which to repel any future violent advances from Mr. Clinton.

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