A Note to Our Readers

man looking at computer

Well, Shooting News Weekly has been up for six days now and we want to thank all of you out there who have checked us out so far and become regulars. We’ve done a lot of work to get this thing up and running and improve the site’s look and functionality in the last week and there’s certainly a lot more on our to-do list.

If you’ve ever been involved with a new system start-up, you know it’s always a bumpy process, but this has gone better than most so far. We’ll be adding more features and types of content and we’re getting our social media accounts established (you can follow us at Twitter X at @SN_Weekly_).

We’re also in the process of firing up comments for your feedback and reading pleasure.

It’s a process, as they say, and we value your input. So if you have questions, comments, suggestions, or just want to throw a few choice expletives our way, let ’em rip. Send them to dan@shootingnewsweekly.com. In the mean time, thanks for reading.

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